
Modified on 2014/01/28 08:51 by Rob Rrickson (CTS) — Categorized as: Uncategorized

FAQ's relating to market data.

Why do I see a different opening price on my quote board versus the opening price on the chart?

Are settlement prices posted in the Liffe Exchange for spreads?

On my option board I added the Cleared Volume column. What does this value mean?

I use DDE links, can I recieve Bid and Ask prices in T4's native Ticks price format?

On the trading ladder, some bid/ask volumes are in parentheses, what does it mean?

Is there a way to stop the scrolling of the Ladder as trades occur?

what is use held settlement in the main properties?

If I minimize my Quote Board does it still receive all data like last trade and volume?

When pulling up the weekly options I notice that I can only see quotes for Three out of the five weeks on my Option board. Why is this?

Is there a way I can create a strategy that isn't created on my T4?